Create Engaging Interactive Videos: Tips and Tricks.

Laptop with reel on blue background

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Engaging Interactive videos are becoming more popular. They are videos that let people do things like click on buttons, answer questions, or make choices that affect the video. A study found that interactive videos can increase engagement by up to 70%.

Making engaging interactive videos is not easy. There are many things to think about when you create interactive videos, like the story, the visuals, and how people can interact with the video. By focusing on these things, you can make interactive videos that are interesting and keep people watching.

This article will talk about the different things that go into creating interactive videos. It will give examples of successful interactive videos and offer tips for making your own. If you want to make interactive videos that people will watch, this article will help you.

Understanding Interactive Videos

Captured in the image is a delightful scene of two girls engrossed in an interactive video on a smartphone. Both wear smiles of joy as one of them eagerly touches the phone screen, clearly engaged and immersed in the captivating experience.

1. What are Interactive Videos?

Interactive videos are a type of digital media that let people interact with the content. This can be done by clicking buttons, filling out forms, or answering questions. Interactive videos can be used for education to improve learning experience, as a marketing strategy through interactive video ads, and entertainment.

Interactive videos are different from traditional linear videos, which are just watched. With interactive videos, people are actively involved with the content, which can lead to better learning. In fact, studies have shown that interactive videos can increase engagement by up to 70% .

2. Why Create Interactive Videos?

Here are some of the reasons why you should create interactive videos:

  • They are more engaging than traditional videos. Traditional videos are a passive experience for viewers. They simply sit back and watch the video unfold. Interactive videos, on the other hand, are an active experience for viewers. They have to make choices and interact with the video in order to progress. This makes interactive videos more engaging and memorable.

  • They can improve learning outcomes. Interactive videos can help viewers learn more effectively. This is because they allow viewers to control the pace of the video and focus on the content that is most relevant to them. Additionally, interactive videos can be used to assess learning outcomes by asking viewers questions and tracking their progress.

  • They can boost brand awareness and lead generation. Interactive videos can be a great way to boost brand awareness and generate leads. This is because they can be used to tell stories, showcase products and services, and educate viewers about your brand. Additionally, interactive videos can be used to collect contact information from viewers and track their engagement with your content.

  • They can be used for marketing and sales. Interactive videos can be used for a variety of marketing and sales purposes. For example, they can be used to promote products and services, generate leads, and nurture leads. Additionally, interactive videos can be used to create personalized experiences for customers.

    If you’re looking for a way to engage your audience, create a more memorable experience, and improve your marketing and sales results, then you should consider creating interactive videos.

3. Examples of Interactive Videos

In the heartwarming scene, a cheerful girl wearing headphones is captivated by an interactive video playing on her laptop. With a delightful smile on her face, she is fully immersed in the engaging content, enjoying the interactive experience to the fullest.

There are many kinds of interactive video examples, like:

  • Quiz videos: These videos ask viewers questions and provide different content based on their answers. For example, a quiz video about different types of coffee could provide different recipes based on the viewer’s favorite type of coffee.

  • Product demos: These demo videos allow viewers to interact with a product in a simulated environment, giving them a better understanding of how it works and how it can benefit them. There are many different ways to create an interactive product demo video. One common approach is to use hotspots. Hotspots are areas of the screen that viewers can click on to reveal additional information about the product. For example, a product demo video for a new car could have hotspots that reveal information about the car’s features, specifications, and pricing.

  • Choose-your-own-adventure style videos: This type of video can be a great way to engage viewers and create a more immersive experience. They allow viewers to feel like they are in control of the story and that their choices matter. This can make the video more exciting and suspenseful, and it can also help viewers feel more connected to the characters and the story.

  • Interactive tutorials: These are a type of interactive video that is designed to teach a specific skill or concept to the viewer. They are often used in e-learning and training programs, but can also be used for other purposes such as onboarding new employees.

    Interactive tutorials typically consist of a series of steps or modules that guide the viewer through the learning process. Each step may include interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, or simulations, which help to reinforce the learning and keep the viewer engaged.

  • Virtual reality experiences: This is the type of interactive video which provides viewers with an immersive and interactive experience of a simulated environment or situation. By providing a sense of presence within the virtual world, viewers can explore, interact with objects and characters, and even complete tasks or challenges within the experience.

Interactive videos can be made using a variety of tools and software, including specialized e-learning platforms, video editing software, and interactive video creation software. Some popular tools for creating interactive videos include H5P, Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate, and Camtasia.

Additionally, some social media platforms such as YouTube and Facebook offer built-in interactive video features, such as annotations, polls, and quizzes, that can be used to create basic interactive videos. Ultimately, the choice of tool or software will depend on the specific needs and goals of the interactive video project.

Tips for creating engaging interactive videos

Creating an engaging interactive video can be challenging, requiring careful planning, design, and execution. In this section, we will provide you with some tips and best practices for creating engaging interactive videos that capture and hold the attention of your audience.

1. Planning Your Interactive Video

Making an interactive video takes good planning to make sure it is fun and helpful. Here, we shall present to you important steps to make the best interactive videos, including finding your audience, setting your goals, and making a plan for the interactive video presentation.

(i) Identifying Your Target Audience

Before you make a video, you need to know who you are making it for. This will help you make sure the content and interactive elements are what they want to see. Think about their age, gender, education level, and what they are interested in.

If, for example, you are creating an interactive video for a corporate training program, your target audience may be employees who are new to the company or need to learn new skills. In this case, you may want to focus on creating content that is relevant to their job roles and includes interactive elements that help them practice and apply new skills.

(ii) Defining Your Goals and Objectives

Once you know who your audience is, you need to figure out what you want them to do after they watch it. This will help you determine whether your video was a success and if it helped you reach your goals.

Defining your goals and objectives is important because it helps you stay focused and ensures that your video is aligned with your overall strategy. It also helps you measure the effectiveness of the video and make improvements over time.

When defining your goals and objectives, consider the following:

  • What is the purpose of the video? Is it to educate, entertain, or promote a product or service?

  • What do you want the viewer to do after watching the video? Do you want them to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or purchasing a product?

  • What metrics will you use to measure the success of the video? Will you track views, engagement, or conversions?

By answering these questions, you can develop clear and measurable goals and objectives for your interactive video. This will help you create content that is focused and effective, and that resonates with your target audience.

Once you have defined your goals and objectives, you can begin to develop a script and storyboard for your interactive video, and start to plan the interactive elements that will help you achieve your goals.

(iii) Creating a Storyboard

Once you have identified your target audience and defined your goals and objectives, the next step in creating an engaging interactive video is to create a storyboard.

A storyboard or plan of the video is a visual representation of the video that includes drawings or pictures of each scene, along with notes about the talking, sound effects, and interactive parts. You can use software like Storyboarder or Canva to do this.

When making a atoryboard of the video, it is important to think about the user experience and make sure that the interactive parts are easy to use. This will help keep the viewer interested and make the video more effective. Here is a useful guide to help you create your first storyboard.

In conclusion, planning is a very important step in creating an interesting and powerful interactive video. By figuring out your target audience, defining your goals and objectives, and making a plan of the video, you can make sure that your video connects with your audience and helps you reach your goals.

2. Designing Your Interactive Video

Designing an interactive video involves creating visually appealing and engaging content, and incorporating interactive elements that encourage viewers to actively participate in the experience. Here are some tips to help you design your interactive video:

(i) Choosing the Right Video Format

The kind of video format you pick is very important if you want to make an engaging interactive video. A study found that 85% of people like videos with subtitles, and 80% like videos that are less than 2 minutes long . So, it’s important to pick a video format that is as short as possible and has subtitles.

(ii) Creating Engaging Content

To make your interactive video interesting, you need to create engaging content. You can do this by telling a story, using visuals and sounds, and making sure people can interact with the video.

A recent survey found that 70% of people prefer videos that tell a story, and 60% prefer videos that are visually appealing . To make your video visually appealing, you can use animations, graphics, and other visual elements. You can also use music and sound effects to make the video more interesting.

You should also focus on user engagement by including calls to action and interactive elements. This will help people stay interested in your video and learn more about your message.

(iii) Adding Interactive Elements

Adding interactivity to your video is a good way to keep your viewers interested. Interactive elements can be quizzes, polls, links, or other things that viewers can click on. A recent study found that interactive videos have a 70% higher chance of viewers taking action than non-interactive videos.

You can use online platforms like Eko , Vimeo , Wistia among many others, to add interactivity to your video. These tools let you add interactivity and distribute your video even if you do not know how to code. Alternatively, you could consider contacting an agency like Interactivity Hub to create a custom interactive experience with your video.

To make an engaging and interactive video, you need to plan carefully and execute well. By choosing the right video format, creating engaging content, and adding interactivity, you can make a video that grabs your audience’s attention and keeps them interested.

3. Producing and Publishing Your Interactive Video

Making an interactive video that keeps people watching takes a lot of thought and work. Once you know what you want to say, you can start making and sharing your video. This section will tell you how to record, edit, and add interactive features to your video, and then how to share it with the world.

(a) Recording and Editing Your Video

Before you can add interactivity to your video, you need to have a good recording. This means getting a good camera like the Sony FX30 or the DJI Pocket2 and a good microphone like the Rode Procaster in addition to setting up a suitable place to film. Once you have your footage, you can edit it to make a story that flows well. Think about the speed, the way you move from one scene to the next, and how your video flows overall. Make sure your video has a beginning, a middle, and an end, and that it tells a story that will keep people watching.

(b) Adding Interactive Features

Interactive videos let viewers interact with your content in new and exciting ways. There are many different types of interactive features you can add to your video, including hotspots that viewers can click on, quizzes that viewers can take, and branching scenarios that let viewers choose different paths through the video. The key is to choose the features that best fit your content and your audience. For example, if you are creating a training video, you might want to include a quiz to test your viewers’ knowledge. If you are creating a marketing video, you might want to include hotspots that link to your product page.

(c) Publishing Your Video

Once you have your interactive video ready, you can publish it. There are many different places you can host your videos, like Vimeo , Wistia ,or VadooTv . When choosing a place to host your video, think about things like how much it costs, how easy it is to use, and how well it tracks how people watch your video. You also need to make sure your video is optimized for search engines so people can find it easily. Finally, don’t forget to promote your video on social media and other places so more people will see it.

Measuring the Success of Your Interactive Video

Making an interactive video is only half the battle. You also need to know how well it’s doing. In this section, we’ll talk about how to pick the right things to measure (key performance indicators) and how to keep track of your video’s numbers (metrics).

1. Defining Key Performance Indicators

An image showcasing KPI acronym with each letter's full word representation aligned vertically.

Before you start tracking your video numbers, you need to know what you want to measure. These numbers are called key performance indicators (KPIs). Some common KPIs for interactive videos are:

  • Engagement rate: This is how much time people spend watching your video and doing things like clicking on links or filling out forms.
  • Conversion rate: This is how many people take action after watching your video, like buying something or signing up for something.
  • Completion rate: This is how many people watch your video all the way to the end.

By knowing your KPIs, you can focus on what is most important to your business goals.

2. Tracking and Analyzing Your Video Metrics

Once you have set your goals, you need to track and study your video’s performance. There are many tools that can help you do this, like:

  • Google Analytics: This tool lets you track your video’s performance, like how much people engage with it and how many people buy something after watching it.
  • Vimeo: This tool gives you detailed information about how people watch your video.
  • Wistia: This tool lets you track how people engage with your video, how many people stop watching, and more.

When you study your video’s numbers, remember that engagement is important. The longer people watch your video, the more likely they are to do something after watching it. Here are some facts to remember:

  • Videos can increase landing page conversions by 80% or more.
  • Interactive videos have a 70% higher conversion rate than traditional videos.
  • 64% of viewers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it.

By tracking and studying your video’s numbers, you can make decisions based on the data to improve your video’s performance.